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Building up a digital skills alliance for the enhancing of programming competencies.

The project aims to strengthen the representation of Continuing Vocational Education and Training and Vocational Education and Training

Strengthen the representation of Continuing Vocational Education and Training (EFC) and training in the context of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and training in participating countries. Improve the link between education and initial vocational training (VET) by applying the methodologies of the different VET pathways, creating a new VET qualification for drone programmer and operator and virtual reality (VR) application developer.

Sectors in constant growth

Drone and Virtual Reality areas are the fastest growing areas among new smart technologies (Industry 4.0) with huge potential for further development in many sectors with benefit for European economy and society.

These two sectors will contribute to creating new business and jobs, protecting environment, and improving the quality of life.



Virtual Reality


Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is already one of the top emerging technologies, which is mainly used in the entertainment industry now. However, the VR holds enormous potential outside of entertainment e.g. architecture and construction, healthcare, education, automotive industry, aerospace, manufacturing, tourism, retail and others.

The drones

Drones and their software capture images, create maps and 3D models, and analyse data across economic sectors: in agriculture, construction, mining, services, etc. Although drones are one of the most innovative technologies with applications in many industries and business, the related profiles of a drone software programmer or drone operator are still not part of the national qualification systems and the required digital skills are not yet taught under the current VET curricula in many EU countries.


Building up a digital skills alliance for the enhancing of programming competencies.

Partner contries

Czech Republic, Lithuania, Spain, Austria, Slovakia

Total budget

858.439,00 EUR

Project period

01.01.2021 – 31.12.2023

Project objectives

Create a new European professional qualification standard for these occupations

  1. Drone programmer and operator
  2. Virtual Reality application developer

This project will identify and describe the digital skills required based on market demand. A survey will help define a minimum joint rating.


Develop/improve curricula for the new qualifications, and prepare grounds for the delivery by VET providers.

The project will include new two-year VET programs. An open platform of online courses will be developed for its delivery and guidelines and methodologies will be drawn up for its implementation in vocational training schools.


Test the new curricula in the fields addressed.

This way we will have direct feedback from the target groups and we will be able to assess the quality of the new programmes. Online courses will be offered through Webinars, online exercises and electronic tests. The practical training and joint certification will be tested with the participation of teachers and students from the VET project partners.


Obtain recognition of new qualifications in as many EU countries as possible.

All this to allow the international mobility of labor and the integration of the new curricula in the training programs of public and private VET providers in initial and continuing education. During the project, cooperation structures will be established at the national and transnational level with the aim of supporting:

  1. Recognition of new qualifications.
  2. Dissemination of project results, promoting the online platform.
  3. Implementation and execution of the programs by Continuing Vocational Training providers in the EU countries.


Evaluate pilot projects and share experiences between partners.

Good practices will be sought in the implementation of the new study plans, but also in other activities that are developed and integrated into the project, improving the quality of the results. The project partners will face three main challenges:

  1. Recognition of qualifications by the largest possible number of countries participating in the project.
  2. Motivate VET providers from outside the project to participate in the pilot project. Develop tools for the implementation of new FP programs.
  3. Motivate students to enroll in the new VET programs, achieve the best results and acquire the new skills.


An international Evaluation Committee will be created, including local and transnational stakeholders. Reports will be prepared to analyze the external barriers to the deployment of the new curricula and/or the employability of graduates, and measures to mitigate them and recommendations to those responsible at the different government levels will be suggested.