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The Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic (CC CR) is the most important representative of the business sector. It brings together more than 16,000 members organised in 60 chambers in the regions and in 129 branch associations. More than 60 of the 100 largest Czech companies are members of the HCC. The HCC was established by Act No. 301/1992 Coll. as an independent chamber with voluntary membership. The mission of the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic is to create opportunities for business, to promote and support measures that contribute to the development of business in the Czech Republic and thus to the overall economic stability of the state. The Chamber of Commerce has a direct line of communication with the state administration (government, ministries), local authorities, vocational training schools, entrepreneurs, companies, representatives of trade unions, associations, etc. The HCR employs and cooperates with experts in the field of education and the labour market, as well as with legislative experts who define draft comments on proposed legislation in the framework of the inter-ministerial comment procedure. The HK CR is a full member of EUROCHAMBRES.


Dlouhá Lucie

Žufanová Dagmar


Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is the biggest association of entrepreneurs in Latvia uniting 6000 members – micro, small, medium and large enterprises of all regions and industries, associations, city business clubs and other unions of entrepreneurs. LCCI represents the interests of entrepreneurs in governmental institutions on both state and regional level and offers wide list of services as well, as a result ensuring that there are excellent companies in the excellent and successful business environment. ​LCCI works in the following areas:

1) Business environment;
2) Lobbying;
3) Competitiveness;
4) Export;
5) Arbitration

LCCI is a fully-fledged member of EUROCHAMBRES and International Chamber of Commerce.

LCCI has a wide experience in implementing EU projects – the following experience has been developed through Erasmus+, Interreg, Horizon 2020, Lifelong learning programme, EC calls etc. Projects topics include SMEs trainings, Export, Entrepreneurial policy, VET topics, Cluster support and development, Other relevant topics to business.”


Mr. Jānis Tilibs

Mr. Jurijs Dubatovka


The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Terrassa (CCI ES) belongs to the 88 Spanish Chambers of Commerce and Industry Network and is one of the most important Chambers of Catalonia Region in terms of number of companies represented (around 30.000 of all sectors) and the economic weight of the area (80 % of total Catalan exports that in turn accounts for 25 % of total exports in Spain).

Chamber of Terrassa have developed its own methodology of internationalization programs for SMEs, training (for students and company employees); and start-ups consultancy and training. The Chamber of Commerce of Terrassa has being partner and coordinated various European and International projects on VET.

Chamber of Terrassa is in charge of Implementing Spanish Chambers Youth guarantee program, where apprenticeships and traineeships play a key role in enhancing youth employability.

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The Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences (TC CAS) was established in 1994 as a non-profit special-interest association of legal entities. Its members are institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences: Institute of Physics, Institute of Microbiology, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Institute of Plasma Physics, Institute of Molecular Genetics and Technology management Ltd. The TC is a key national institution for the research and development infrastructure, and it carries out oriented research in the area of science, technologies and innovations. TC is a source of current information about European research, development and innovation. TC also supports growth and development of innovative companies and international technology transfer.


Barbora Vacátková 


Czech VR Agency was established in 2016. Initial activity with virtual reality originated with the idea of how to support the Czech economy and also what new to bring society. We see virtual reality as a very progressive field. The first step was the organization of the Czech VR fest, the first of which was in 2017. 60 speakers came from us and from abroad. Experts from NASA and investors from abroad. After the conference, we were told that they would like to continue with this kind of action. They wanted to create a VR centre that will support VR corporations and research organizations. Czech VR Agency indicated the establishment of AVRAR (Association of Virtual and Augmented reality) and it is the founding member of AVRAR. In 2018 we received the “ÉTA” grant from the TAČR (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic) for our project for activating the elderly in the VR. Our project was the 2nd best of the total 360.

Our activities are mainly focused on educational events and workshops. In addition Czech VR fest, Czech VR Agency organizes educational events where we teach participants to program and develop. Newcomers, of course, are introduced to Virtual Reality (VR) and have the opportunity to test these technologies. They also have the opportunity to learn about the use of VR in Czech school system, in industry, healthcare and audio- visual creation. Definition that describes us = interconnection of the private academic and public sector, means companies, schools and the state.


Jakub Stejskal


Robodrone Industries is a leading manufacturer of drones for industrial use. Our aircraft are characterized by high sturdiness, low operating cost and minimum requirements for operation. Key features are long endurance, high payload capacity and outstanding maneuverability. Robodrones operate wherever helicopter or personnel deployment is dangerous, costly, or technically complicated. We have been active on the young market of unmanned aerial systems since 2013 when we launched the Kingfisher hexacopter. It gained trust and has been deployed by numerous commercial and public sector customers, thanks to whom we constantly keep improving and diversifying our production. Currently we have line of 5 RPAS types ranging from small form factor like Hornet to large scale category like Sparrow and Falcon. Falcon is also a unique in design and constituting new category of RPAS VTOL combining design of fixed wing delta and 4 rotor copter.

We are active in the fields of developing applications, designing and production of Unmanned Aerial Systems and accessories. We have developed complex solutions with our partners in many industry verticals mainly security, logistics and search and rescue. In security Robodrone partners with other companies to provide system of perimetr protection of strategic infrastructure objects or areas like airports, powerplants, fuel storages or long distance lines. The solution covers not only detection and surveillance of intruders but also active techniques of active defence against hostile drones and other devices.

In logistics vertical Robodrone negineers have mastered leading edge LIDAR technology to navigate our drones without usage of GPS technology allowing for autonomous operations in indoor environment. It covers various inventory scenarios in large storage facilities, object detection etc.

In search and rescue Robodrone developed with partners solution for detecting signals of cell phones. It allows for fast detection of lost people in a complex terrain where standard search procedures would take unacceptable amount of time.

Robodrone has skills in drone design, manufacturing, areal data acquisition, data postprocessing and design of software solutions extending the drone service to meaningful solutions. Robodrone has also experience in pilot trainings including focus on scenario CONOP and pilots behaviour towards safety as a highest priority.

Robodrone was the first company in Czech Republic obtaining permit from Czech Civil Aviation Authority to conduct areal works in 2014. Therefore Robodrone continuously builds expertise in processes for professional routine drone operations and safety measures which every drone operator must implement.


Jana Fleissigová

Jiří Karpeta


European Centre of Entrepreneurship Competence and Excellence (ECECE) is a non-profit organization designed to help entrepreneurs and vocational training institutions in building sustainable and innovative businesses, endeavoring innovative cross-sector networks and new business start-ups. ECECE fosters new ideas and values to generate new strategies for system change and to build an entrepreneurial culture through whole brain approach and design thinking. The aim is to increase the collective ability and to positively impact the need of innovation in the entrepreneurial milieu. ECECE cooperates through its network of international experts with various institutions throughout Europe and is currently partner of Stadtschulrat für Wien, Kärnten Region (project CONSENSO – Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020) and with the Kärntner Volkshochschulen on the ERASMUS+ project ACDC (call 2017) for the elaboration of a Business Model to support business and social enterprises.


Riccardo Cariani


Smíchovská střední průmyslová škola / The Secondary Technical School CZ provides above standard education in state of the art information technology, especially in the field of Cyber Security, the Internet of Things, and visualization of 3D objects, programming and most recently, virtual reality. High quality education enables a combination of modern equipped professional workplaces with qualified pedagogical leadership. Great emphasis is placed also on the creative potential of students. For example: Each 3rd and 4th grade student will propose the task assignment of his student project, which prepares and consults with the teachers during the school year. In addition to standard instruction, VET IT High school is also actively involved in projects at national as well as international level. Approximately 600 students study on the Smíchovská střední průmyslová škola / The Secondary Technical School CZ.


Jakub Jarolímek

Filip Zíka


Our school is a private school with around 1600 students. We belong to a group, NACE schools with 23 schools around the world. In 2016, we opened a new line: VET (Image and Sound) . The first year we had 18 students total (in 2 different courses: Video DJ and Sound, and Technician in Audio-visual Projects and Shows). This school year we have 73 students (we add 2 new courses: Sound Technician for Audio-visual Projects and Shows; and 3D Animation).

Whenever we can, we use as much real projects as possible to teach our students (learning by doing) . Some of the things that they did last year were:

  • They organized the Opening Ceremony for VET,
  • they created 2 short films,
  • 1 video clip for a Catalan musical band ( )
  • Award Ceremony for the group NACE (Agora belongs to the group),
  • Recording (multicam) a theatre show and create a DVD with the performance…
  • The participate in the shooting of the trailer of The Conversation (Corey Johnson, collaborating with In Extremis Films) and in the shooting of Bohemia (Director: Anna Petrus, teacher of our school, and Jordi Comellas as the producer)
  • Some of our students have a TV channel called La Taquilla Films

In 2020, all the groups participate in a NACE Event (International Music Festival) in our school and the group of 3D Animation create and animated “an Elvis” who was a co-host during the week of the International Music Festival.

We are members of the Alianza para la FP Dual (Bertelsmann Foundation).

Whenever we can, we use as much real projects as possible to teach our students (learning by doing).

We are a VET provider specialized in Image and Sound. Our students spend between 380 to 1000 hours learning and working in companies which belong to the image and sound sector. Every company assigns a tutor for the student and we keep contact to track the process. At the end, we ask them information about the student and also about what they see that should be included in their formation as future professionals. We try to incorporate in our courses what the sector requires.


Monica Socias


Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Presov Regional Chamber (CCI SK) started its new history in 1998. The main task of CCI SK is to support and foster the business activities of the members, as well as to support company competitiveness through education and other services. One of the activities is to co-operate with chambers of commerce abroad (trade missions, workshops, cooperative meetings, publishing of business offers, searching for business partners, exchange of trade and political documents and other information, etc.). Another important activity is publishing of trade offers and other business information for businesses. In recent years SCCI PRC has participated in a number of LEONARDO projects and also in EU Structural funds – ESF, CIP EQUAL, INTERREG IIIA and 6-th FP, ERASMUS+ with the aim to strengthen the economic development of the region by increasing the SME competitiveness through education and other services

The members of CCI SK are not only different types of manufacturing companies or companies offering services, but also the secondary schools. Most of them are focused to educate specialists for electrotechnical or engineering industry.


Helena Virčíková


The history of Spojená škola began in 1958, when the Czechoslovak national company ZPA Dukla Prešov started to build training centres, where they started to educate their newly hired employees.

Nowadays Spojená škola (United School) is educational entity that legally and economically merges two educational branches The Secondary Technical School and Grammar School. We offer high standard education for 594 students. The school provides lots of opportunities to expand knowledge in theoretical education and practical training even for the most demanding students. The school is equipped with top IT devices and plants. We offer dual education as well, which prepares students for their future occupation in real working conditions.


Ján Holub

Zuzana Procházková