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Working groups will be established for each work package and/or task. The main part of communication among partners will take place via emails and Skype (for conference calls).

Once in 6-9 months, a transnational project meeting will be held in one of the consortium countries. The aim is to debate the project activities and outputs under preparation, share views, discuss different opinions and approaches and synchronize their implementation by different partner organizations and in different countries.

The following project meetings are foreseen:

  • Kick-off meeting in Prague (CZ)– in month 2 of the project
  • Transnational project meeting 2 – in Vienna (AT) – in month 6
  • Transnational project meeting 3 – in Riga (LV) – in month 15
  • Transnational project meeting 4 – in Presov (SK) – in month 22
  • Transnational project meeting 5 – in Terrassa, Barcelona (ES) – in month 28 (during or in the aftermath of the international workshop II)
  • Final transnational project meeting 6 – in Brussels – in month 36 (joining the final project conference).

Transnational project meetings will last 2 days and be attended by, at least, a project manager and a chief expert – a teacher/trainer/researcher from each partner organization.

Programs of the upcoming conference calls and transnational meetings, as well as materials to be discussed by partners will be prepared and distributed by the coordinator, in cooperation with the relevant work package leaders, prior to the date of the call or meeting. Minutes of the conference calls and meetings will be also prepared by the project coordinator, in cooperation with the relevant work package leaders, and distributed to all other partners

Deadline: Month 2 1.2.2021