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Final version of the open online course platform

Open online course platform will have the following main features:

  • streamlining of live webinars
  • Uploading videos, 2D and 3D images, PPT presentations, etc.
  • uploading learning texts
  • uploading interactive knowledge tests and practical exercises
  • online monitoring of student homework progress
  • individual support to participants from expert partners
  • e-testing and online certification
  • editing of the content in order to use it in teachers´ own lessons.

User´s functions:

  • registration and creation of an individual account.
  • the possibility to open participant forums and chats
  • technical support – a help desk.

Management options:

  • content management
  • data and statistics reviews
  • reporting.

During the project lifetime, the platform will be hosted on a server of the Czech VR Agency. After the project end, the platform is expected to be hosted at servers of the project CCI partners (unless agreed differently during the project implementation phase).

Deadline: 30.11.2023

Language: English

Final version of the VET program – Drone programmer and operator

The new VET program will expectedly contain about 40-50 lessons.

The new or improved curricula will be composed of:

  • the curricula structure
  • student learning texts
  • teacher methodological handbooks
  • videos
  • pictures, pictograms, 3D visualisations, etc.
  • exercises and their possible solutions
  • e-tests and correct answers.

During the pilot phase, the curricula will be completed with videos from life webinars. 

Deadline: 31.11.2023

Month 35 of the project – the VET program will be finalized after the end of the pilot phase and upon the receipt of participant´s feedback, statistics and reports from final graduate exams and the pilot phase evaluation delivered in the work package 5.

Language: English

Final version of the VET program – Virtual Reality Applications Programmer / Developer

The new VET program will expectedly contain about 40-50 lessons.

The new or improved curricula will be composed of:

  • the curricula structure
  • student learning texts
  • teacher methodological handbooks
  • videos
  • pictures, pictograms, 3D visualisations, etc.
  • exercises and their possible solutions
  • e-tests and correct answers.

During the pilot phase, the curricula will be completed with videos from life webinars. 

Deadline: 31.11.2023

Month 35 of the project – the VET program will be finalized after the end of the pilot phase and upon the receipt of participant´s feedback, statistics and reports from final graduate exams and the pilot phase evaluation delivered in the work package 5.

Language: English