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Project visual identity package

Project web

The Czech VR Agency will create a project web. Its maintenance and updates will be in charge of the Chamber of Commerce in Terrassa. The web with contain information on project objectives, activities and expected deliverables, as well as updated contact details and a link to the online course platform. The web will be translated into all national languages: Czech, Latvian, Slovakian, Spanish and German.

Project log, banners and templates of documents

The project logo and banners will be designed by the Chamber of Commerce of Terrassa. The logo will be used for the project web and all project outputs. Banners will be placed in meeting and conference rooms during dissemination events.


Language: English, Czech , Latvian, Slovak Spanish, German

National information campaign

National Dissemination Plan

First, a national dissemination plan will be prepared by each partner. Its objective is to sett-up a communication strategy and search for synergies between the project activities and outputs and activities and outputs of other sector projects and initiatives at the national level.

Information campaign via social media and internet

An information campaign promoting the open online course platform will be carried out on internet and in social media. The campaign will target students in the field of programming (and in related fields) and teachers or trainers in the field of programming (or related fields). Members of the targeted groups will be invited to visit the online course platform.

Press releases

At the occasion of achievement of key milestones in the project (such as launching the pilot online platform and courses in month 9 of the project or recognition of new job qualifications by the responsible authorities), or finalization of key project outputs (such as legislative analysis of barriers to further business development in the addressed fields), a press release will be prepared, published and distributed to relevant media. 

Articles in professional press for teachers / trainers

Articles and ads will be published in professional press for teachers (trainers).

Presentation to national professional associations of VET providers and/or VET teachers

Project objectives, outputs and outcomes will be presented to professional associations of VET providers and ICT teachers, during national conferences of these associations and via their professional initiatives, working groups and platforms.

Presentation to public authorities funding and supervising The Secondary Technical School

Presentation of the project outputs will be also carried out in organizations of local, regional or national authorities responsible for supervision and/or funding of public VET schools. 

Presentation to national professional business associations

Project objectives, outputs and outcomes will be also presented to professional associations with activities in the addressed fields, such as drone manufacturers and their clients (operators) or VR programmers (developers) and their clients.

Road show

Final road show, using equipment of expert partners, will present to regional stakeholders and in particular to managers of VET providers and their supervising public authorities, the student projects developed during the pilot phase of the project (in the WP3, step 2). The event will aim at presenting results of this project at one hand, and social, economic and business benefits of drones and VR applications and the scope of their possible employment in various economic sectors and activities at the other hand. 2 weeks long road show is therefore foreseen in each of the consortium countries.

Final national conferences

The final national conference will be held in month 31-32 during the evaluation phase. Its aim is to present and discuss outcomes of the pilot phase. Representatives of target groups and stakeholders, including governmental bodies, will be invited to the conference. The expected number of participants is between 50-100 persons. 

Deadline: 31.12.2023

Language: English, Czech , Latvian, Slovak Spanish, German

Transnational information campaign

Transnational Dissemination Plan

First, a transnational dissemination plan will be prepared by the Project Coordinator. Its objective is to set up a communication strategy and search for synergies between the project activities and outputs and activities and outputs of other sector projects and initiatives at the national level. A special focus will be given to coordination of activities with those planned by EUROCHAMBERS, the project associated partner for Europe-wide dissemination activities (please see their letter of intent at the end of this document).

Information campaign via social media and internet

An information campaign promoting the open online course platform will be carried out on internet and in social media. The campaign will target students in the field of programming (and in related fields) and teachers or trainers in the field of programming (or related fields). Members of the targeted groups will be invited to visit the online course platform.

Press releases

At the occasion of achievement of key milestones in the project (such as launching the pilot online platform and courses in month 9 of the project or recognition of new job qualifications by the responsible authorities), or finalization of key project outputs, a press release will be prepared, published and distributed to relevant international media. 

Articles in international professional press/reviews for teachers and trainers

Articles and ads will be published in international professional press or reviews for teachers (trainers).

Presentation to European professional associations of VET providers and/or VET teachers

Project objectives, outputs and outcomes will be presented to transnational professional associations of VET providers and ICT teachers, during international conferences of these associations and via their professional initiatives, working groups and platforms.

Presentation to European professional business associations

Project objectives, outputs and outcomes will be also presented to the relevant transnational professional associations, via their professional initiatives, working groups and platforms. 

Final project one day conference in Brussels

This event will be designed for representatives of target groups and stakeholders, including the European Commission and its agencies and other EU institutions. Expected number of participants is about 50 persons.

Deadline: 31.12.2023

Language: English

Description of national procedures for identification and recognition of new VET qualifications

It is expected, that the newly designed joint qualification standards will be recognized and registered by the national authorities in at least 3 of 6 consortium countries.  

This will be the output of the Step 4 of this work package related to the recognition of new qualifications by national authorities.

The output is important for the project planning at national level, which will have to comply with the national requirements: the recognition process and its duration in each partner country is expected to substantially differ.

Requirements by the national authorities regarding the new qualification standards will be reflected during month 33-35 of the project, when the new VET curricula will be finalized.

At the same time, the output will be used for drafting of an analysis in the work package 5 (Evaluation), comparing the legislative and methodological procedures applied in different partner countries. The analysis will assess them from the viewpoint of their efficiency, transparency (i.e. the capacity to involve all relevant stakeholders) and quality.

Final recommendations for improvements of the national systems of new qualifications registration (recognition) will be concluded at the end of the analytical phase.

Findings and recommendations will be presented to relevant public authorities and stakeholders during national workshops and the final project conference.   

Deadline31.3. 2021

Language: English